Maldives participates in the subregional consultation meeting on “Energy Access and Energy Security: Prospects and Challenges for Regional Cooperation” held in New Delhi, 6-7 November 2012. Maldives is represented by the Deputy Director of Maldives Energy Authority, Mr. Ajwad Musthafa.
This subregional consultation is a part of the preparatory process towards the Asia- Pacific Energy Forum (APEF) to be convened at Ministerial level in May/June 2013 in Vladivostok, Russian Federation in line with the mandate given by the 67th Session of ESCAP Commission held this year in Bangkok.
In this preparatory consultation meeting, the challenges and progress made by participating countries were presented and discussed with particular focus on enhancing energy security and sustainable use of energy at the regional level.
To support this consultation process, ESCAP presented a background study that is expected to serve as the basis of discussions during the proceeding meetings. Based on the inputs, suggestions and recommendations provided by the participants, this South and South-West Asia subregional perspectives study will be finalized.
The outcomes of this preparatory consultation meeting will be reported at the Regional Expert Group Meeting to be held in Bangkok on 21-23 November 2012 before the Ministerial meeting in May/June 2013.